01225 447920


Replica Eames Lounge Chair Frame/Shell

August 2024 ..... now SOLD

Inspired by the original Charles & Ray Eames Lounge Chair (and ottoman) from 1956, and as comfortable as a baseball mitt, this is a frame/shell that we have available as you see it - without the leather cushions, although I understand these can be purchased separately. I believe the veneer on the ply wood shell to be walnut.

We used to sell good reproductions of the original Eames Lounge Chair in our early Bartlett Street days, and there was a Herman Miller factory, built in 1976 in Bath by Grimshaw, that made the 'originals', that's now converted (by Grimshaw again !) in to Bath Spa University's School of Art, Film and Media, and the Bath School of Design.

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